Thursday, February 3, 2011

Bonhoeffer on Community - 3

Continuing our Dietrick Bonhoeffer perspective on community living, he suggests a daily group schedule which could be as meaningful to a two generational family as it is to a large living in community.

It begins with Morning activity: come together early for common praise (including songs, common hearing of the Word and common prayer. “Morning belongs to the group, not the individual." according to Bonhoeffer.
May I be so bold as to differ with the community guru? I need to begin the day with a God focus for my particular station in life. Study and memorizing Scripture don’t seem to happen if the execise is not done first thing in the morning. I'm better prepared for the day and for the group if I've first spent some intimacy time with Abba PaPa.
Scriptures that enforce the significance or morning time with God:
Ps. 5:3 Listen to my voice in the morning, LORD. Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly
Ps.57:7-8 My heart is confident in you, O God; my heart is confident. No wonder I can sing your praises! Wake up, my heart! Wake up, O lyre and harp! I will wake the dawn with my song.
Lam.3:23 Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.

Notice the pronouns are personal. “my voice…I bring… my heart.. I can sing… I will wake. No mention of group -“we” or “us.” So Dietrich, this Ken-tuckee heeal billee has a differing opinion. Meet with God individually. Then group.

Scripture reminds us that men of God rose early to seek God and carry out His commands: Abraham, Jacob, Moses and Joshua. So also with Christ (Mark 1:35)
Bonhoeffer addresses prayer: "Psalms teaches us what prayer means: 1 prayer means praying according to the Word of God. 2 What we should pray. 3. pray as a fellowship, selflessly.
The more deeply we grow into the psalms and the more often we pray them as our own, the more simple and rich will our prayer become. "

The prayer of the psalms, concluded with a hymn by the family fellowship, should be followed by a Scripture reading.1 Tim.4:13 tells us, "Give attendance to reading. "
In a family setting: a chapter of the Old Testament and at least half of a NT chapter every morning and evening, is suggested by Bonhoeffer . Sing: Eph.5:19-20 - 19 singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making music to the Lord in your hearts. 20 And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Bonhoeffer concludes his morning thoughts with , “After the bread of eternal life comes the earthly bread. Meals should be a time of rejoicing and gratitude. Eccl. 9:7
More Bonhoeffer next time.

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