Saturday, September 11, 2010


I come too late, too smart - a saying from my Norwegian heritage. At the age of 72 i'm finally beginning to learn what is most important in life.

It is not achievement, though that is important.

It is not performance, though the Bible says "whatever you do, so it with all your might - do all as to the Lord."

It is not getting rich. The book of Ecclesastes warns us about that fallacy.

Jesus states very clearly that the greatest purpose of life is the developmment of relationships- "Love the Lord with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself,"

The following note from Montana Gary is an example of how significant relationships is becoming to me. I trust that I am sharing this with a humble heart and not for show, "See me. See me run. See me jump." But rather one of the valuable prizes that is available to all of us as we invest our energies into the lives of others. Thanks for your affirmation, Gary.

"Boy, are you unpredictably persevering! After weeks of no blog, no hint of life, no pearls of Ray, now we find you are still going forward with God (or maybe to use a different simile, going back with God, back East).

"Ray, you continue to amaze me. Unpredictably consistent. Seems almost like you are finding strength in weakness, continuing on in the purposes of God no matter what. We have felt with, prayed for, agonized over your struggles these last months and not known how the true Ray was doing but now you reveal you are staying true to the call of God for focusing on the discipling of the next generation. Yes.

"Blessings upon you, Dear Brother, as you get closer to families and the youngest generation. We will miss you but may God continue to bless you as you mentor another generation. I see you working in your ministries mentoring your generation, my generation, your children’s generation, and now, your grandchildren. Blessed is the man who continues in the call of God upon his life no matter what. Too many of us settle for touching only a couple generations and then complaining about the others.

"Blessings dear Ray. May God richly make the way before you and your intentions become His touching of lives through you. God Bless You, Ray—we love you."

I hope Gary's note, which I know I don't deserve, will inspire all of us to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leading in the building of godly relationships.

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