Thursday, September 9, 2010

Goin to Kentucky

"What a differnce a day makes," goes the song. In our case, the song would be "what a difference a week makes." Here's my story, I've always said, "this is the last move I'm going to make." And here in Nampa, I'm blessed with some great fiendships, my 'band of brothers' that meets every Wednesday morning and other special friends. In a sense it is a return to the glory days. I've also enjoyed mentoring some college students. I'm very comfortable here.

Then the word came, "Let's move to Kentucky. My son, Holly and four kids are there and Theresa's daughter, along with Keith, their five kids - soon to be 7 after the adoption goes through - two special needs kids from Bulgaria will join the household."

"No, I'm not going." Have you ever heard God speak to you in that still, quiet voice?" Mine went like this: (God speaking)Ray you don't want to keep working with those BB players and others when you can work to model Jesus with your own family. They need you. Don't be selfish interested in your own comfort."

"Okay,, God, if my going there wlll please you - I'm gone. I'm not happy about it but I'll be obedient, Resigned to the change.Then the Williams and I met in Kentucky and God led us to a gorgeous 54 acre ranch = only 25 minutes away from Ray's house. Now I'm excietd about it and am wondering how God will use this for our best and bring glory and honor to His name.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We shall miss you greatly, Ray. Our lives are better off for having you in it this past year. God bless.