Monday, October 24, 2011


“You sound real good.” These same words that I spoke of in the last post confronted me two weeks later by my “old” college roomie, Jerry Isaacson. “This is the best I’ve heard you in a long time” My response this week was 180 different from two weeks ago with Mark. “ Thanks Jerry, I’m doing well.”

This response came after two weeks of diligent mental work, bringing my thoughts into captivity. Changing the way I thought – of how much I’ve lost this past year to all that I have - was not an easy task..We’re creatures of habit. Habits are hard to break. But break my “loss focus” must or self pity and depression would have been full throttle.

I’m not speaking of denial. I’m well aware of the loss of my Nampa band of brothers and scores of friends. Significant loss of money in the real estate arena. The many losses from Parkinson’s –balance, memory, driving, etc. and the 4-wheeler accident. If these losses became my focus, and at times they did, self pity and depression were a step away.

I’m finding that as I’m more consistent with bringing those thoughts into captivity and replacing them with gratitude for all I do have, life has a brighter aura and I function better. More at peace. More productive. “We become like the books we read and the people with whom w associate. As I spend time with positive people and fill my mind with positive, healthy books; as I train my self to to see life from God’s perspective, there is more hope, more joy, more contentment and more purpose for living.

That is not just good psychology, but it is based on Scripture like Phillipians 4:8 And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise

Praising and thanking God are great antidoes for what is ailling you and a great precursor to strong mental health.

Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.

This sets us up for an indepth examination of James chapter1. “Rejoice when the going is rough.” YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING

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