Saturday, October 8, 2011

As A Man Thinks

A fresh look at “as a man thinks in his heart so is he.”

Wake up call yesterday.. Chatted with my good friend Mark Wheeler in Idaho. One thing he said clobbered me between the eyes and he didn’t even realize it I’m sure. He said, “you sound real good.”

My initial reaction was an inner voice saying, “but, you don’t know how much I’ve lost through Parkinsons , the four wheeler accident and relationally – can’t drive anymore, can’t do … any more, etc. My litany of loss.

I could have said all that truthfully, but I’m confident that God used Mark’s statement and my initial response to get my attention of stinkin thinkin. Like looking into those big distorted mirrors that give you a crazy picure of yourself. A totally distorted picture of self.

God semed to be saying to me, “What is your focus, all you have lost or is it all you have gained? All you can’t do or all you can do? Remember, My son, I am God – sovereign over all - yet I’m your loving heavenly Papa who is working everything to your good.”

I don’t see all the value of what I’m going through. What is my gain, Papa?

“I’m slowing you down so that you can enjoy people and life in general more. I’m showing you the importance of inter-dependent relationships. And there is much more that you’ll discover as time goes on.”

Gain through loss.

Thanks God for the effective GC (God connection) time. I’ve switched my focus and that gives me hope. Thanks Mark for our friendship Time to do some ground-tilling.

“As a man thinks in his heart so is he.”


David Lehman said...

Ray, we may be miles apart but that doesn't stop you from lifting my spirits. Thank you for once again reminding me to be thankful for all that God has done. Sure miss seeing you on Mondays.
God Bless.

Mark Wheeler said...

Ray....Good to speak with you last week. It was like you were just next door. I trust I can get out to see you soon. You are loved by all 4Wheelers.