Friday, March 2, 2012

An "Impossible" Directive - 9

Key word #3: Testing.
“When your faith is tested.” The adversity  is to become a testing. “The whole point of testing is that it is sent not  to make us fall but to make us soar. Adversities are sent not to defeat us but that we may defeat them. Not sent to make us weaker but are sent to make us stronger. Therefore  we cannot bemoan them. We must exult in them and rejoice in them.” (Barclay).
Like the athlete whose coach is pushing him/her hard by adding extra weight to the bar or more windsprints to increase endurance. In a sense the athlete is being tested to see the extent of their motivation. How badly do they want success. The champion athlete doesn’t look forward to the added workout but  accepts it because they know the result will be added strength to accomplish the goal of victory.  So also with the Christian.whose adversity heat is being turned up.It reveals the depth and genuineness of that person's faith. This is why, for the one who wants to live by faith, the trial can be a time for rejoicing, because  God will use the trial to develop some characteristic that is lacking. James says, "Rejoice in that prospect!"
Bottom line: how do  you and I respond to tough times?
Probably the most healthy way would be to go through each phase.  As with King David as recorded in the Psalms, express the natural feeling response to a  tough time. “Hey, God. Why do I have to  …? A resistance. If occupying this space very long, bitterness toward God is inevitable. Resistance can be a chronic life-long mind set or it can be brought under control and often a relinquishment stage follows. ” I don’t like what I am experiencing but I’ll put up with it. Tough times are just a part of life.”
For the person desiring a close walk with God, James’ exhortation to be joyful in the adversity becomes  the response, because of the knowledge that a result can be growth in character, “that you may be [people] perfectly and fully developed [with no defects], lacking in nothing.”
Wow! “Lord, work this concept into the very core of my being…but don’t make the cost too high.”J

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