Wednesday, November 12, 2008

God Appoints Suffering - 4

Stephen Saint, son of Nate Saint who was murdered by the Aucas, has this to say about God’s purpose in suffering. People who suffer want people who have suffered to tell them there is hope. They are justifiablly suspicious of people who appear to have lived lives of ease. There is no doubt in my mind that this is the reason that Jesus suffered in every way that we do, while he was here. 1 Peter 2:21 This (your) suffering is all part of what God has called you to. Christ, who suffered for you, is your esample. Follow in his steps.

Saint’s view of suffering:
1. God uses suffering as a punishment.. Various Biblical passages refer to God using adverfsity as punishment. In our desire to see God as a God of love, mercy and grace, we at times forget that He is also a God of justice.

2. The blind man of John 9 was made blind by God to demonstrate His power when the man was healed.

3. James 1:2-4 indicates that suffering can build perseverance and strength of character to those who cooperate with God in their trauma.

4. Humility. God wouldn’t take away Paul’s thorn in the flesh, according to 2 Cor.12:7, to keep Paul from becoming prideful.

It is normal to want to avoid suffering. However life at times is tough. I like the following verse after James 1:2-4. “If you lack wisdom, ask God for it.” In context it appears that God wants to be asked what the value of the suffering is for the person at the time. Is it for character growth? Is it to nurture humility instead of self centered pride? To demonstrate God’s power? Punishment?

If “all things work together for good to those who love God and are committed to Him” then we need to ask Him how the current struggle is a good thing. Sometimes the answer is supremely clear. At other times, obscured. My children had to ask themselves why they lost their mother “prematurely”. The answers haven’t been real clear and the full good of it may never be known. But the point is, when going through a rough time it is best to ask God “how” or “what” instead of “why me, God?”

I personally think that God uses suffering in my life most of all to depend on Him. I tend toward self-sufficiency. But all self-sufficiency can do it produce my best. Where dependency on God produces “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” or, “Glory be to God who by His mighty power at work in me is able to do far more than what I could ask or dream of…”Eph.3:20.

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