Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spiritual Journey

Golf is a spiritual time for me. I pray a lot!!!
Believing that one way to learn about the most important endeavor in life – knowing and experiencing God, is to hear people’s stories describing their walk with God. So, one of my favorate questions to ask people is, “How are you doing in your spiritual journey?” This makes some people feel uncomfortable. If so, I’m hoping it will set a spark off in their desire for deeper intimacy with God.

“Burwick, where are you in your spiritual journey?” Glad you asked. As mentioned previously, fear drove me to seeking Scripture’s answers. In my search, I was reminded that “perfect love casts out all fear.” Knowing that God is the only Source of perfect love, I was drawn into a desire to “sense – feel” His love. I know that we can’t live by feelings, but that is where I was in my spiritual journey.

My normal disciplined life of memorizing passages of the Bible, prayer and Bible study ceased. It seemed as though God was telling me, “Your quest for me has become burdensome. Let’s just hang out together, Ray.” I think my natural tendency to perform, to achieve for approval and recognition had morphed into my walk with God. So at that point the disciplines ceased and I just “hung out” with God. I sensed His love. It was like sitting in His lap, His arm around me, speaking gently, “Ray, you are mine. I love you for just who you are. No performance necessary.” It was a very special time for me.

After a few weeks, stirrings arose to place myself into a position of, as Augustine would say, “creating habits that incline us to look for Him.” Back to the habit of considerable time spent most days with God in meditation, prayer, Bible and memorizing. But it had a different texture. Not for approval. He already did approve of me. Not for recognition. That was His responsibility. Psalm 75:6-7 “For promotion and power come from nowhere on earth, but only from God. He promotes one and deposes another.” Just a desire to know Him more intimately.

So that is where I am on my spiritual journey. Where are you? Would love to ask each of you that question and have eyeball time to listen. Second best format is for you to email me at rburwick@mindspring.com or comment on the blog site.

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