Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hearing Voices

You don’t have to be crazy to hear voices. Hearing voices is usually associated with schizophrenia. One person described it this way: ”I can hear voices. There a 4 of them, a little girl a little boy a different version of me and one other then i can not make out...at night i can feel them following me around...then when i get to a point of stress i can hear the undistinct voise to the point it makes my body tingal, and my vision starts to shake, and things will change, for example everything will get darker and nothing be cohearent.”

This person is definitely battling with a mental disorder. I’m suggesting that a “sane” person can house differing voices, though not “crazy” can be a very destructive force mentally, emotionally and physically.

To one person there is the voice picked up in childhood, either from a perfectionistic parent or from a parent who wasn’t there, “You are not good enough.” The result? A heightened drive to perform for acceptance. Ulcers. Workahol. Perfectionism that tends to make one look down at others.

Another person may periodaclly hear the message, “you are not loveable.” Or, “you’ll never be successful, so why try.” Or, “you’ll never do it well enough. You’ll never get it right.” Or, “you’re a worthless, no account brat.” Or, “you’ve been so bad that God will not bless you with …”

Or the voices can have a postive twist that can be destructive. “You’re so giftted that you’ll be able to do anything you want. This person is set up for failure, because of the high expectations that are not achieveable.

Or, focus become outward beauty when you’ve heard, “You’re the most beautiful girl in your class.”.

Possibly some of the most hideous and destructive voices we hear came from the church. “Get saved, then you can do anything you want. You’re eternally secure.” Or the opposite, “If you sin, you’ll lose your salvation.” Consequently this person is always checking his spiritual pulse, never quite feeling safe in God’s care. Eternal insecurity.

May I suggest an assignment? Listen carefully to the voices you have in your head. We all have them. Write them in a journal. For example, voices that I’ve had to do battle with are
• That’s not quite good enough.
• What ever you do, do it to your best. Then people will take notice and approve of you.
• Hey world, notioce me. Tell me I’m okay.
• You stutter, Ray. You’re a blemished product.
• With Parkinson’s you’re headed for the wheel chair, then confinement to the bed.
• You are a has been.

What do you do with your voices? Stay tuned to the next post for suggestions.

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