Monday, November 8, 2010

Trust Rest Watch God

"Jesus loves me this I know. For the Bible tells me so..." is probably the most significant song or one of the most significant songs written, supporting Scripture. Jesus loves me, period. Don't have to perform for that love. He loves me. For a perfomance oriented norwegian/estonian that is becoming even greater news. "Be responsible, Ray, but relax and enjoy relationships. Then, watch Me engineer circumstances in your life that will be impossible to perform. Trust me to do for you what you can't do yourself."

2 Chronicles looms big in this arena. Jehosaphat is faced with an ovewhelming sized army. Defeat is inevitable. He calls for a nationwide fasting and prayer. He is told "this battle is not yours but God's. Stand still and see the deliverance of the Lord."

He is also told that if he believes in the Lord, remains obedient, he will prosper. /the invading armies turn on themselves and kill each other. Judah claimed the spoils. "Jesus loves me this I know."

Got any circumstances that seem insurmountable? We do. But we want to learn from Jehosaphat. Trust. Rest. And watch the Lord do what we can't in ourselves do. We'll keep you posted.

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