Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Divine Mentor

Had a great week in Orlando with daughter Gretchen and family.

Continuing excerpts from "The Divine Mentor."

Why is knowing God so important? Why does He want us to love Him with ever increasing devotion? For creative affinity – we become increasingly more like that which we love the most. We take on the characteristis of whom or what we cherish most deeply.

It has been said in other places, "we become like the books we read and the people with whom we associate." As we spend time communicating with God, allowing Him to work growth in us we become like HIm. Those close to me say, "yea, Burwick, go for it. You need it!!!

On the other hand, Reading the Bible will tell us about history and render facts. Entering the Bible will be like shadowing Christ. We will hear Him speak. Our faith will grow.

When the Word is just in your head, it makes you pharisaical.
When it is in your heart, it makes you a fanatic.
When it bleeds out your toes, it makes you authentic.

The world won’t be changed by those who take a weekly class (church). It will be changed by men and women who sit daily at the feet of Jesus, listening to His words. These people will be recognized by the world because of the tone of the Father’s words.

Question: are we going to be spoon-fed once a week or will we enter the University of the Holy Spirit where He can personally mentor us daily?

By the way, the author is pastor of a 12 year-old church with 12,000 members. He has planted nearly 100 churches averaging 600 members each. He claims it is all based and begins with life groups. Groups meet in public places, like coffee shops, for far-reaching impact. Format for life groups: 20/20/20. 20 minutes in the Word. 20 minutes journaling and 20 minutes sharing what you’ve journaled. Learn from each other. (Why journal? Writing makes us more precise thinkers. Writing internalizes the truth more efficiently.) Size of group? Any! For a large group, the last 20 minutes split up in groups of 3 or 4.

The highest form of prayer is not me talking to God.
It is Him talking to me through Scripture.

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