Monday, June 9, 2008

Treasures in Darkness

Our back yard depicting the crucifixion of the "old man."
We’ve all experienced “the dark night of the soul,” where it seemed that nothing was going right. Nothing made sense. Dreams were seemingly lost. An unexpected disease. A financial crisis. A confusing time indeed.

Our first reaction to the dark night is usually: “get me out of here” or “turn on the light.” Darkness is uncomfortable. It is a time of insecurity.

However, whether we were the cause for the darkness or whether it was just life, there is value in darkness. To those whose trust is in the Lord and have yielded their lives to Him, I can resolutely say: “God is in the process of doing a great work in your life. You might not see the evidence of it yet.

From my own life experience and in the observation of others, it seems that God does His deepest work in maturing us during those periods of darkness. Isaiah 45:3 challenges us with: “And I will give you treasures hidden in the darkness—secret riches.I will do this so you may know that I am the Lord,the God of Israel, the one who calls you by name
And Job reminds us in 12:22 “He uncovers mysteries hidden in darkness;he brings light to the deepest gloom.
And the Israelites experienced God’s work in Exodus 14:21: All that night the Lord drove the sea back.

God is working in your darkness right now “driving the sea back”. One of my darkest nights was after I had sold my ranch and given up my counseling practice in Birmingham to teach and coach at a christian college in Tennessee. My wife died unexpectedly. I was unjustly fired and couldn’t find any other work utilizing my experience. That has been nine years ago. What seemed like an unfair forced retirement has been a time of purging, breaking and stripping.

The treasures that have come out of that darkness was a stripping of pride, self sufficiency, performance oriented idolatry. Replaced by an ever deepening trust in the Lord, peace of mind, contentment and fulfillment. The proces was painful. The product – worth it all.

“All that night the Lord worked. He uncovered mysteries and gave me rich treasures of a maturing life in Him.” Praise the Lord.

Are you going through a dark valley? Hang on. Don’t ask “why?” Ask “how?” How do you want to use this tough time in my life? What treasures of darkness are you providing for me through this experience?
Going to Kentucky to be with my son. Be back in a week.

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