Thursday, May 7, 2009

Jesus / God Conundrum part 2

I desire so intensely to know and enjoy God at a depth I’ve never experienced and then know how to share that pursuit with others, stimulating their appetites for a greater intimacy with the Creator of the Universe.
In that search, we’ve examined many facets of God – His names given to Him in Scripture, His activity, His being. Now we’re piggybacking on Christ’s words “I and the Father are one. Know me and you know the Father.”

You saw in my last post, the struggle understanding these words of Christ. I’ve compounded that effort by doing a “Google search” on “how to explain the Trinity, endeavoring to understand Christ’s words of oneness with the Father. The myriads of opinions are not only legend but add greatly to the confusion. The mystery is daunting. As we say in the South, “I’m fixin’ to have a nervous breakdown.”

Possibly I'm endeavoring to grasp an ethereal smoke ring - impossible. Great Godly, intelligent people have not been able to clearly delineate the full meaning of the Holy Trinity. Who am I to think I can come up with inclusive documentation that would completely clarify our mystery.

Some have tried to give human illustrations for the Trinity, such as H2O being water, ice and steam (all different forms, but all are H2O). Another illustration is an egg having a shell, egg yolk and egg white, but this egg illustration shows that there would be "parts" to God, which isn't the case. suggests “God the Son (Jesus) is fully, completely God. God the Father is fully, completely God. And God the Holy Spirit is fully, completely God. Yet there is only one God. In our world, with our limited human experience, it's tough to understand the Trinity. But from the beginning we see God this way in Scripture. Notice the plural pronouns "us" and "our" in Genesis 1:26 -- Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."
Helpful, but!
Add to this conundrum, an email from my Montana friend, Gary, (whose bright mind stretches mine) stating: "How does Jesus see the Father while in the flesh if not in participating in the will of Him rather than His own will? How could the will be different if they are One? Would Father and Son have different ways of doing something? Is Oneness by nature or by choice?"
Good grief, Gary, where are you going with this? I’m glad he didn’t stop there. He went on to propose a very significant premise.

"Does not the Son choose to be One by taking the desires of the Father as His own? If we see the desires of the Father and take those desires as our own desires, do we not see the Father?"

Oh, I like that. Seems like that gets us to bedrock. Gary went on to elaborate:
Heaven amongst us, God that we can see, divine and yet human, perfection in the flesh, God touched by humanity. How else could we ever relate to Him personally and yet we tend to change God in the flesh into someone else, someone untouched by the feelings of our infirmities. Yes, we lose sight of the possibility of Heaven in our life when we keep Jesus at arm's length, seeing Him above rather than in the midst. Imagine heaven in our midst through doing the will of the Father, that identity with the Father that takes His desires as our own and brings heaven into our lives.
Father, teach us to live the way Your firstborn lived--with Your desire the primary and only drive of His life.

This doesn’t answer the question regarding explanation of the Holy Trinity, but Gary’s words certainly challenge us to live the obedient life taught by Christ that leads us to, “If we see the desires of the Father and take those desires as our own desires, do we not see the Father?
Thanks, Gary. More in tomorrow’s post.


Adam Pastor said...

Greetings Ray Burwick

On the subject of the Trinity,
I recommend this video:
The Human Jesus

Take a couple of hours to watch it; and prayerfully it will aid you to reconsider "The Trinity"

Yours In Messiah
Adam Pastor

Jordon MMG said...

I stumbled across your blog searching for attributes of Salt for my youth lesson tomorrow. I then noticed this part of your blog.

I appreciate your diligence in seeking to understand what you believe.

In my case, I'm a twenty two year old who tends to study what I believe but only come to bias conclusions. It's hard for me set aside what I "already know" and search for the truth.

I pray in your studies that the Spirit leads and guides you into all truth only to lead others to Him!

God bless sir!