Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Back at you

Roger and LInda REdding (my sister) and us.
I've been negligent in writing. Reasons? Or Excuses. Busy! BAsketball has started. I have the privilege of being the chaplain for the Northwest Nazarene University basketball team. That involves giving a devotional to the team once a week and meeting with some of the guys one on one.

I'm reworking that Philippians Four study - examining more thoroughly what appears to me as 13 keys to successful living. I'm using it for the Lighthouse Mission gang that I teach once a week. Mentoring, some counseling and small groups involvement consume a lot of time. The opportunities are a real blessing. Just having been diagnosed with diabetes means I must be more consistent with exercise.

Am I complaining? No. Just making excuses. I've got a great one for this next week. Some friends from Birmingham are flying Theresa and I to Alabama and then on to Orlando to be with my daughter, Gretchen. What a special gift, to see friends who while Ann (first wife) and I lived there, had a ministry to adult singles. About 30 of us became like a close knit family. I'm really looking forward to reconnecting with "you'all."

What I've been learning lately? A quicker response time from natural reactions to adversity transitioning to supernatural (Godly). For example, in the last couple weeks, I've been confronted with the challenges of diabetes and basal cell carcinoma on my schnoz. Diabetes and Parkinson's don't mix real well. Natural response? Fear. Godly response? Trusting God. Giving thanks in and for all things. Rejoicing evermore. I'm working on that transition.

It's important not to spiritualize which can repress the human feelings. So, to help avoid that, I'm getting back into journaling to I can articulate on paper what I'm feeling and the growth I want to make. That helps me avoid repressing.

Being 70 years old and having walked with God for 63 years, observing in retrospect how He has worked adversity in the past for my good, HIs glory and for the good of others - makes the transition to a Godly response much easier.

Well, I'll check back with you all in a little over a week. Blessings to you.

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