Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Scripture Memory - 2

I'm on the band wagon again encouraging Christians to memorize passages of the Bible. Today it is: Memorize for brain and body healing

Dr. Frank Minirth, world renown Christian psychiatrist, gives insight into transformation as he writes in Christian Counseling Today,
"Simple behavioral Scriptural techniques are so powerful. I think they have the ability to change the brain's chemistry. What we see comes into the eyes, into the frontal lobe. It will rearrange the neurotransmitters. The neurotransmitters rearrange secondary messenger systems that store memory. So who we are to some degree is controlled by what we take in. Therefore, the more Scripture we take in, especially loving it and enjoying it, really changes the very essence of who we are. "

Dr. Minirth goes on to say, “So the emphasis, I hope, in the future will be to get people to memorize more Scripture so it can change them. The more Christ-like we become, the more He can remove symptoms." Symptoms like: anxiety, fear, unhealthy anger, depression, poor self esteem, etc. that are often caused by wrong mindsets. Mindsets not corresponding to the mind of Christ. The mind is the ruling member of our whole person. What we do with our minds affects the whole body.

Many of my good friends at the Lighthouse Mission are finding that memorization of Scripture brings about a healing of their drug-fractured / muddled brains.

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