Thursday, December 30, 2010

God and pain

The last post, based on Hosea 6 stated "God has torn us so that He may heal us."
"God is totally committed to you and He will accomplish the purpose of the pain," quoting James Mcdonald in His book Dounpour.

There are so many directions Hosea 6 could take us. Does God cause all pain? Does He just allow it? Or is He not involved in the pain or its source? What part does satan play in pain? Is pain just a result of our fallen status?

The challenge I pick up is: what is your view of God. How do you picture God?
* Like santa claus - One who has no expectations, just a loving Being who wants to give good gifts.
*A stern judge, with gavel in hand, high demands, heavy on the justice.
*An ethereal smoke ring, hard to grasp.
*An uninvolved, abandoning step father????

I believe A.W. Tozer is right when he said, "what you think about God is the most important thing about you." Our whole existence is affected by our view of God.

My view of God has evolved from that of a stern judge to a Loving Heavenly papa, who desires to give me good gift thers (Matt.7:11). Who promises to work everything that happens to me for my good (Romans 8:28). Whose expectaion of me is obedience to His Word - which has many ramific ations.

Thus my view of God in this 4 wheeler accident that leaves me in constant foot pain and unable to walk is: God allowed it. I believe He knew it was going to happen because it must have been Him who prompted me to take my cell phone. I wasn't into the habit of carrying it. Those close to me say there is a softening in my countenance. More peace. More gentleness. And I can tell a stripping of sself-sufficiency and pride. More of a healthy dependency on God and others. I could go on but the point is: God has torn me so that He canl heal me.

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