Saturday, December 18, 2010

Nocturnal Disturbance

"Help! Help! Help! Help! Help!" Joe, next door, is having a rough night. The aids must be busy because that plantive cry for help goes on for quite some time.

At one a.m. "Housekeeping. Here to empty out your wastebaskets." Having just fallen asleep, I'm tempted to throw the basket at her. Justified by: "Christ was angry at the money chngers in the temple when he fashioned a whip and kicked butt."

2 a..m. - Pardon me," says the nurse. I MUST check your vitals." "Go away. Let me sleep. Besides my wife is the only one who does that!" "No," says nurse Kratchit. "Your blood pressure and temp." I'll show you my temp (er) next time you awaken me out of a deep sleep."

Then at 3 a.m. Ms.Dracula swoops in with her big black bag, loudly exclaiming,'GOTTA get your blood." She proceeds to try to find the vein, somewhere between elbow and shoulder. After raking the area causing considerable pin cushion pain, says, "let me try your right arm." what I want to say back is #%6@^&**&%$#.

Some time during the time when I would like to be sleeping, a little ol' lady tells me she is there to get my wheel chair for washing. She brings it back later when I'm asleep and leaves the chair out of reach from my bed.

And a couple times per night, I thank God for the person who invented the urinal!!!

The last two nighhts I've slept well. Besides the sleeping pill and three pain killers could it be that the sign I've taped to the door has helped? It says, "anyone coming though this door between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. is in danger of experiencing the hidden trap bucket of human waste/"

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