Monday, December 13, 2010

'warrior Prep

But those who suffer He delivers in their suffering; He speaks to them in their affliction. - Job 36:15

Os Hillman writes in his blog TGIF about a boy born with a severe case of cerebral palsy who had sufffered much abuse and rejection during his growing up years. As a teenager, he met the Lord and began an intimate relationship with Him. Prayer began to be a focus in his life. God began showing him deep insights into other people, with whom he would share.
Today, this young man travels around the world as an internationally known intercessor and founder of a school of intercessory prayer. Literally hundreds of hours of knowledge about the way God speaks to His children have been birthed in and through this young man.

Hillman challenges us: "God's ways are not our ways. His preparation of His warriors seems cruel and hurtful at times. His ways are much higher than ours. Trust the God of the universe that He can orchestrate the events of your life when they seem the darkest."
What a fitting exhortation to this old norwegian/estonian warrior.
Thanks Kevin T for your note to the last post. Hope your studies are going well at Oxford and that all is well with the family. T and I miss you guys.

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