Monday, April 4, 2011

Devleoping Male Relationships - 2

A lady describes her husband:"he has retired from a company that he built and owned—a company that is worth over a billion dollars. He does not have any friends. He has a couple of friends that are committed to him but he is committed to no one. Thus, at 78 he is a lonely old man...absolutely alone. Imagine…all that financial success, a 300 foot long yacht and being absolutely alone." (Vawter and Wetherbe)

“The worst solitude is to be destitute of sincere friendship” Bacon
In the proposed book, "Achieving High Performance Friendship" Vawter and Wetherbe describe , a friendship is high performance if both friends:
- are pleased with the opportunity to provide a selfless act on behalf of the other
- feel comfortable sharing inner-most thoughts, yet each respect the other’s private thoughts
- trust the other with that which they hold dear
- support the other when they fail or err and forgiveness is readily granted
- appreciate and accept heartfelt constructive criticism
- truly celebrate the other’s success without jealousy or envy
- sustain the relationship in spite of distance or time
- do not make disparaging remarks about the other

You got any friends that "qualify" for high performance relationship?

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