Sunday, August 7, 2011


I finished last posting, saying I had a 1 a.m. break through. I haven’t written since because I wanted the concept to germinate and to experience some testing to see if it was truly of the Lord. I wanted to make sure I had a good handle on the issue and that it wasn’t just an emotional experience with no lasting effect. Oven baked. No quickie microwave. The learning ex perince “well done” with some portions of meat still needing oven time.

Break through. Break through what? Through the confusion of “Why does God seem so unresponsive to my prayers of petition?” The giving to me of what I perceive are His good gifts according to Matthew 7:11.Especially my big three: 1) less stuttering and more fluency; 2)Less dyskinesia and falling related to the PD; 3) sleep instead of insomnia.

The breakthrough? One word: HUMILITY.

“Humility,” you say. “What in the world does that have to do with your situation?” Allow me to explain. .

When was the last time you heard a sermon on humility? When was the last time you asked Christ to make you humble? Frankly, in my 65 years of walking with Him, I’ve never asked for humility.

Yet, Christ describes Himself as “the Son who does nothing in Himself.” In Phillippians “He (Christ) humbled Himself, therefore God exalted Him.” Jesus taught humility: “Learn of me, for I am meek and lowly of heart. Matt.11:29

Which leads us to the definition of humility. Andrew Murray describes it as “simply the sense of entire nothingness which comes when we see how truly God is all and in which we make way for God to be all. Humility is the acknowledgement that self has nothing good in it, except as an empty vsessel which God must fill. A surrendering of the total self to God.”

Secular psychology would have a real problem with this view. Some call it “worm theology.” However, if our focus is God’s all-powerful, all loving being, how can we but see in contrast our nothingness – yet, AS CHRIST FOLLOWERS being filled with God’s all-powerful, all loving completeness! A very healthy balance.Nothing of “self.” Focus on Christ living through me.

Possibly an apppropriate summary of Murray’s book Humilty would be his words: “Humility is simply the disposition which prepares the soul for living on trust. And every, even the most secret, breathing of pride in self-seeking, self-will, self confidence or self-exaltation is just the strengthening of the self which cannot enter the kindgom or possess the things of the kingdom, because it refuses to let God be what He is and must be: their All in All.”

For my breakthrough, point one: I desire to be a godly man, “being confomed to the image of Christ.” That has been a life-long commitment.

Point two: growth in humility would be part of that conformation to Christlikeness.

Point three: I stutter. Talk funny, sometimes can’t talk at all. Good for growth in humility. Same with PD.Walk funny. Sometimes can’t walk at all. Both embarrasing but good for growth in humility. I’ve thought of these two as character builders for many years and 90% of the time I’m accepting of them. Possibly a third of the time I can even rejoice in the adversity (James 1:2-4) How ever, as the problems escalate I have wanted Good to intervene.

Now humility puts a whole new spin on petitionary praying. Petition prayers for myself may not be answered the way I had hoped. I desire character growth plus the experience of becoming like Christ in the arena of humility. I hate to admit it, but I need the humbling effect of PD and stuttering, because my default is the ugliest of sins – spiritual pride. The attitude that got Lucifer kicked out of heaven.

In praying for others, I believe I know myself well enough that if God consistently answered my prayers of petition for others, I’d have a tendency to become spiritually proud. “Hey, there goes Ray Burwick. He is a spiritual giant. You need any prayers answered? Call on Ray to pray for you.” I’ve been aware of this for a long time and have been asking God to break me of it. He is, but a ways to go.

So, since the “break through,” I’m petitioning God for self and others out of obedience to Biblical directives… not understanding the dynamics. For example, a friend has a need or a tough challenge. So I pray for him, even as I ponder questions about how prayer works. Will God respond to him if I don’t pray for him? And, how many pray-ers does it take to get through to heaven and see God work?

A friend needs a job. Are his prayers sufficient for God to move in the heart of some employer? Is God more responsive to ten people praying for a job for him? To 100 pray-ers?

I don’t understand all this, but I know that as we follow Biblical guidelines, (pray without ceasing) we’ll be successful (Joshua 1:8).

Wrapping it up: I’m not perturbed with God or cynical because I can see His objective for me is not only character growth but developing the Christ-like quality of humility. However I’m still a little confused regarding the dynamics of prayers of petition.

So, I pray for fellowship with God and to seek His wisdom. And,.I petition God but I’m endeavoring to allow God to be All in All - for me and for others.

As I fix my thoughts in this direction, I’m at peace and experiencing joy and contentment from a deeper intimacy with Abba Papa. Still more growth needed.

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