Tuesday, September 4, 2007

From Prison to Prayer

Childhood memories are mixed. On the one hand my siblings and I were spoiled rotten – got everything we wanted. On the other hand, my parents fought a lot. Dad couldn’t please Mom and she wanted out. Divorce.

Drugs started at the age of seven. Not nicotene. That was gross. In fact in highschool I was chairman of a group of kids against tobacco. I learned a whole lot of social skills and leadership abilities through it all. Here I was, a major pothead, a hypocrite as I looked down on those who smoked.

Gang life, meth and crank, plus drive-by shootings were all a part of my life. This was a major reason my mother moved us to another town where I did well in school – was on the wrestling team, on the honor roll and was a member of the student council and in student government. I became very popular which lead to partying, many girl connections and on to stealing and carjacking. Because of the adrenalin rush and making me good money, it became a compulsive addiction.

Then I got a girl pregnant. My son was born – but 250 miles away. To get there I stole a car. Got caught. Busted. Felony Grand Theft with possession. Prison. Out with a probation officer who didn’t care, so I was back into the drug scene. The probation officer finely caught on, handcuffed me and said I was outa here. He brought me to Nampa Lighthouse Mission. I’m having another chance to turn my life around.

I’ve found a good church where I’ve been baptized. Worked at and received my G.E.D. and H.S.E. diploma. Considering college and hope to work construction so I can pay child support and become a productive citizen.

The author of this post believes God is going to use Jaime greatly as he gets his life turned Godward – which is happening. He has a passion for prayer and encouragement of others. I was sharing in the anger class that I teach at the Lighthouse a specific challenge I was experiencing and before I got the last word out, Jaime said, “Let’s pray about that right now.” We did. Answers came dramatically.

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