Friday, September 28, 2007

:eace of Mind

Discipleship. Spiritual Formation. We’ve examined this dynamic of the Christian life recently. I failed to mention one of the greatest results of growth in spiritual formation: peace. Peace of mind.

Recall Jesus’ words in John 14, “Peace I leave you, not as the world gives, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled.” As we gaze at the world’s condition with Iran’s nuclear threats, with the terrorist’s insane intent on destruction, the volatility of the stock market, etc. etc. there is a peace.

Temporary peace comes from the drug or the alcohol. There is a peace that comes from changing mindsets to “happy thoughts.” However, this peace is like the sand castle built on the seashore. It is obliterated – wiped out by the first wave of adversity.

One of the blessings of having walked with the Lord for a long time is the continual growing awareness that God loves me. That nothing comes my way that doesn’t have to have His permission. That nothing can separate me from His love. That He promises to work everything to my good. To know that in my gut, in shoe leather, not just my head, but meditating on it daily, brings an ever deepening peace.

“The world with all its blandishments cannot give it. The world with all its vicissitudes and fluctuations cannot take it way. It is the brightest in the hour of trial, it lights up the final valley-like gloom.” (John MacDuff)

Peace I leave you!

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