Monday, October 1, 2007

Free from Homelessness

Daniel Gorman, executive director of the Bakersfield Rescue Mission states:“If you peel back all the layers of the onion in search of the root cause of why people are homeless and on the streets, the cause is unforgiveness – the inability to forgive oneself or to forgive others.

Gorman adds, “The key quality of character that is the best indication that a person is going to make it through crises is whether they are grateful for the help they are given. The old 'attitude of gratitude' is the key indicator of future victory over whatever a person is struggling with.”

How do you and I evaluate our attitude of gratitude about our current life situation? (1 to 10)
As a reminder, 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says "give thanks IN things;" and, Ephesians 5:20 says "Give thanks FOR all things." Powerful directives to mental, emotional and physical health!

How are you and I doing in the forgiving process – to self and others? ___________

In tomorrow's post we'll revisit that most difficult of topics: forgiving others who have hurt us deeply.

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