It is nearly 2008? Where are you going? Where are you headed? The Bible says, without a vision the people perish. Goal setting. (Not New Year's resolutions!)
Athletes know the importance of setting goals, realizing that good goals will help them live up to their potential. At this time of the year, many are doing the same thing with life in general.
Some look ahead, merely wondering what the year will bring. Some look ahead without passion or vision at all. Others look ahead with a dream and have set a strategy for achieving that goal.
What would you like to see happen in 2008?
I encourage you to give it serious thought and write it down in a place where you’ll see it consistently. Goals should have two components – being and doing. What do you want to see done in 2008? Who do you want to become in 2008?
I like to turn that goal into a slogan, a motto for the year. I haven’t clarified mine completely yet for this new year, but here’s what I’m thinking right now. “I want to be more selfless and serving others, sensitive to God’s whisper. To love on and encourage others in tangible ways. Make wise financial investments.” As you can see that will take some fine tuning to make it into a succint coherent goal.
One of my previous slogans was “Develop a lifestyle of rejoicing, praising gratitude.” When I was going through a particular tough experience, my goal was “Wait patiently and confidently on God – my only hope being in Him.”
How do you want to become a stronger individual this year? What do you want God to do in your life in 2008?
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