Wednesday, September 24, 2008

God Speaks - 5

Dan with grandson, Isaac
God speaks to me mostly through His Word, the Bible. If there is a second most significant way God converses with me it is through people. Today we look at how God spoke to me through my prayer partner, Dan. He shared with me this dialogue he had with God.

A conversation with Father .
Dan: Father, I am very distressed by my son's not having a job and by his unwillingness to be open and honest with me about what is going on. He keeps telling me what he thinks I want to hear and he does not share openly with me what is happening and what he is feeling. It is very frustrating and makes it very hard for me to pray for him effectively. It is almost like he doesn't trust me! I just want to help him, but he wants to pretend that every thing is under control. He is not living in reality and it makes me feel bad about our relationship.

I know what you mean! I get people all the time doing the same thing to Me. You would think I couldn't be trusted.
(Pause - silence)
I seem to remember you doing the same thing to Me.

Yes Lord, guilty as charged!

You know what really bothers Me is when you ask Me to do things that will only make you feel better. Take your son's situation for example. You keep praying that he will get a job. Nothing wrong with that, but why is that so important. Is it not because you are putting your trust in a job as being the solution to your son's problems. Don't you realize that I am the solution to his problems! Put your trust in Me and let me direct the resolution to his problems. From My perspective, you are trusting in the wrong thing in this situation. Can you believe that "I am the way, and the truth, and the life?"

Yes Lord, but help my unbelief.

Don't you know that I love you? If you remain in Me, I will never leave you or forsake you.

Thank you, Father.
(Pause - silence)
What do you want from me?

Micha 6:8 (I had to look up the reference) would be a good verse for you to focus on. It may even be your life verse:

"He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."

Thanks Dan for the example of one who converses honestly with God, hears His response and not only yields to Him but shares the experience authentically with me. I'm a blessed man to be your prayer partner.
More tomorrow on God using people to speak to us.

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