Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Generational “”But-Head”

Pray for John's protection in Afghan warfare
Uzziah has been the focus of my Bible study lately. Some intersting lessons can be learned from the old king. May I share them with you?
Uzziah, also known as Azariah was king of Judah. For a little background: 2 Chronicles 25 tells us that He was the son of Amaziah, who became king at the age of 25 and, “Did what was pleasing in the Lord’s sight – BUT, not wholeheartedly.” For one thing, he didn’t destroy the pagan shrines.
Amaziah followed the example of his father, Joash, who did what was right in the eyes of the Lord as long as he had Johoida the priest working with him. He also didn’t destroy pagan shrines. After the death of Johoida, Joash went downhill fast, even killing Jehoida’s son. Joash was assasinated.
Amaziah, Joash's son, could be described as grudgingly compliant instead of truly obedient. He became a successful warrior, got prideful, over-confident, cocky and took on Isreal. He was blown away and later killed by assassins.

We could summarize the model Joash and Amaziah’s lives set for Uzziah thusly: 1.pleasing to God; 2. but only halfheartedly; 3.success brought pride; 4. destroyed.

Uzziah enters the scene with this kind of DNA. At the age of 16, he is crowned king and reigned 52 years. 2 Kings 15:3-4 tells us, He did what was pleasing in the Lord’s sight, just as his father, Amaziah, had done. But he did not destroy the pagan shrines.

So, in this short time frame we observe three generations of men – pleasing to God, BUT. So what do you suppose the first question is? Are you and I doing any "but work" with God?

There are three things about butts 1. Everyone has one; 2.most are bigger than yours; 3. to get ahead you gotta put it behind you.
I wonder if they had slang terms back then – like you butthead! Could you call me a butthead if I’m pleasing to the Lord in all areas but the Biblical command: “husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church and died for her?” Am I a butthead if I’m being insenstive to my wife’s needs and desires? (We might get an answer if we ask our wives that question.!!!)
A question for you: Why didn’t those three generations destroy pagan shrines? More on Uzziah in the next post.

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