Monday, February 23, 2009

Knowing and Enjoying God - 3

Barron's sister, Kendall, lives out the Burwick BB DNA

Continued thoughts on “knowing and enjoying God.” Jim writes sharing one of the blessings of knowing and enjoying God more deeply.
“I have literally awakened in the middle of the night or first thing in the morning praying and communicating with Abba Papa. I am stricken with awe as I sense his closeness in those special times.” Thanks Jim, for the encouragement.

I’m impressed with Gary’s authentic and astute observations on this topic. Gary wrote, saying: "I may be less esoteric than your higher plane. I seek to know God and interact with God:
1. I need to know appropriate things; I am curious and given my own way, I, like Eve, would eat from Knowledge of Good and Evil. I do not have godly judgment of what is appropriate for me without first knowing PaPa. Knowing Him is not only His ways but also His heart. He created with design, not only the whole of creation but also me. Despite the Age of Enlightenment and the paradigm of Reason, I am not aware enough of His design of me to journey only in that purpose--I want to discover myself. Knowing Him and His heart puts me back in touch with His desires, His intent for me.

"2. Knowing Him intimately is the only way to give reason to an otherwise chaotic, fallen world. I cannot discern enough of the true character of God by my own perception. Without His revealing Himself in relationship to Me, I cannot relate to the world around me. It is too damaged a place and unless I see His revealed purpose in and for it, I know not how to relate to what is around me. I cannot make sense out of the senseless without divine perspective.
"3. I need Someone higher than myself to reference. The "lead me to a Rock higher than I" is not just an interesting word picture but also an imperative. I cannot see beyond myself unless I am lifted up to Him; I must be above the world, not in an ego trip but in a separation that sees from God's perspective. And I must love One who can do that, who can change my fallenness and elevate my perspective of reality to match His. This One is worthy of worship, of devotion, of my love, much more than the things around me that grasp for a hold on me."
Wow, Gary! What depth of riches are mined by your words. Thanks for the insight and the challenge. I’ve reread this a few times and get something new out of it each time.

Barb shares with us in tomorrow's post.

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