How many times have you read a passage in the Bible and the umpteenth time you see something you've never seen before? That happened to me this past week. Philippians chapter 4 spoke to me in a new way. I'd like to share it with you these next few posts.
A desire remains in me to see people become free and whole, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Big bucks are spent yearly on health gurus, counselors and physicians to accomplish this task, to achieve wholeness and freedom. It won’t cost you a penny to learn from the health-producing pattern found in Philippians chapter four.
Relational harmony
The first ingredient in this passage pertaining to positive mental health is verse two: Now I appeal to Euodia and Syntyche. Please, because you belong to the Lord, settle your disagreement.
Relational disharmony is a fertile field for anxiety. Fear, worry, anger, guilt and resentment can so easily snare one’s peace and joy. God thinks this is so significant that in Matthew 5:22-23 He says, “Don’t worship. Leave the house of worship. Go reconcile with the person, then come back to worship."
The challenge described here is conflict resolution and that is simple. Simple, but not easy, because it involves both parties to swallow pride, admit their fault in the conflict and desire to change. Simple, not easy.
Tomorrow's post will feature verse 4.
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