We were able to maneuver our RV down the driveway and round the corner of my son’s place in Ft. Thomas,Ky. Have been here five days. I’m normally about 6 foot tall - feel 4-10 and heading to 7-1.Being stretched. Out of my self-centered comfort zone. Four precious children - teen to 1 ½. Lots of opportunity to love on and encourage! Yard work, painting and fix-it Papa projects consume ou time.
However, being an early riser, I have time for meditation and knowing God better time. I’d like to share this mornings session with you.
There are times that what I read, really grabs my attention. The same material to someone else or at a different time doesn’t have the electrical magnetism. In reading Dallas Willard’s “Rejuvenation of the Heart“: this morning, his perspective of our growth in Christian maturity “cranked my engine.” Let me summarize it for you.
Progression in our spiritual journey - in our complete identification of our will with God’s begins with surrender. Surrender to His supremacy in all things. We may do it grudgingly and parts of us may still resist, but we’re willing to be made willing.
From surrender we move on to abandonment - fully surrendered. While some things that happen to us may not be what God would wish or has brought about, yet He allows all, even the most tragic loss, to have some redeemable quality (Romans 8:28). “We kiss the rod of affliction which strikes us, even while trembling with weakness and pain.”
But there is more. Abandonment can lead to contentment… a state of . assurance that God has done and will always do well by us, no matter what. Grumbling and complaining are gone. “Rejoice evermore” is natural and appropriate.
Beyond surrender, abandonment and contentment comes participation - an intelligent, energetic participation in accomplishing God’s will in our world. We are carried along by the divine drama within as we live actively engaged, devoted to the realization of righteousness all around us. “Not I but Christ who lives in me.”
This progression is there for us to enter now, through the power at work within us as followers of Jesus Christ.
Stuttering and Parkinson’s is stretching me in the contentment arena! I get so frustrated when trying to speak and the word refuses to leave my tongue. I’m sure that leads to more stress, producing more stuttering. "Father, I want to commit myself to You at an even deeper level of trust.
How about you? Where do you find yourself in Willard’s progression?
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