Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Pride prevention - God Dependency -6

In yesterday’s post, we examined Paul’s “thorn.” Today we scrutinize handling our particular thorn. A prescription for thorn removal.
Four steps or phases seem to be appropriate.

Step1. persistent prayer –Paul prayed “three” times to have his thorn removed by God. Persistent prayer is addressed in Matthew.7:7 – ask, seek, knock, the door will open; in Ephesains.6:18 – plead with God; in 1 Thessalonians.5:17 – pray without ceasing. The “three times” mentioned here might mean a figurative “keep praying until you get an answer,” and the answer to prayer could possibly be “no” as with Paul’s thorn or Christ’s request in the Garden, “take this cup from me....”

Step 2. Address the possible source. Persistent prayer continues, asking God for clarity into the source of the thorn. If it’s God’s discipline or an issue caused/allowed by Him – accept it. If the thorn is a result of your bad choices – if possible, make correction. If the possible source is satan, resist him (and he will flee), unless God’s objective is to use the devil’s schemes for our good, the good of others and for God’s glory. If so, then satan continues to hang around. Resisting or rebuking him is futile- a waste of energy.

Step 3. If the thorn is correctable, seek help – medical, counseling, remediation of any kind to correct the problem.

Step 4. If the thorn persists, boast, glory in the adversity because our affliction is never pointless. Why boast and glory in the thorn?
* Nips self reliance in the bud leading to greater dependence on God's resources;
* less likely to live in pride;
* less ego-driven agenda;
* more likely to embody God’s power – Eph.3:20, 2 Cor.9:8
* Trust God for His abundant blessings, Mal.3:10;
* Phil.4:19 – can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

In summary, a thorn can function as:
* a deterrent to sin,
* a testing to strengthen or
* as a disciplining to correct.

Let’s look at the seeming impossible "boasting and glorying in adversity" more in depth in tomorrow’s post.

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