Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Knowing and Enjoying God 15

Do you ever feel guilty engaging in the discipline of silence – “Be still and know that I am God?” We worker bees feel we need to be doing something. Reading Scripture, memorizing the Word, going through a prayer list.
A quiet “quiet time” is a struggle for this writer. I’ve always been a disciplined participant in my formal time with God. (Some call that time with God “the discipline of solitude.”) I believe God wants me to stay with the disciplines of knowing and enjoying Him, but I’m sensing the “calling” just to hang out with Him. I don't do that well.
"Be still, Ray. Listen for anything I might want to say to you. Allow Me to expand your creative thinking by just being still." I believe that is what God is saying to those of us who are performers - achievers - type A sorts.
Paraphrasing Sarah Young in her book “Dear Jesus,” God speaking: Beloved, you were not designed to find total satisfaction in this world, because you were crafted in My image. Heaven is your ultimate home and I placed a bit of heavenly matter in your heart so you would seek Me. I delight in your seeking heart. Much of this world’s angst is actually a longing for the perfection of heaven. Blatant sin is often misguided attempts to fill that emptiness. The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so they search for heaven in hellish ways, excesses and perversions of every kind. However, great sinners can be transformed into exceptional Christians when they turn their passionate appetite toward Me. My love and forgiveness satisfy soul hunger as nothing else can.

And I believe that entails us placing ourselves in a position every day to hang out with Him (in our discipline of solitude.) “Abba PaPa, help me just be still and know that you are God.”

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