Friday, March 5, 2010

"Longing for God" Nuggets -2

A good friend is priceless. John Vawter
Endeavoring to share some concepts from the book "Longing for God." by Foster and Beebe, some thoughts today from Bernard of Clairvaux. Bernard writing in the 600’s, lists twelve steps of spiritual demise.

Loss of love of neighbor
1. curiosity
2.Light-mindedness (little discernment between weighty and trivial)
3. foolish merriment (pursuit of pleasure for distraction)
4. boasting
5. trying to be different (excessive regard for self)
6. arrogannce

Comtempt for one’s superiors
7. presumption
8. self-justifcation
9. insincere confession
10 rebellion

Contempt for God
11. Feeling free to sin and creating habitual patterns of sin
12. Showing utter disregard for the Ten Commandments.

Next post will view Bernard’s 12 steps of spiritual progress.

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