Sunday, March 14, 2010

post surgery

Did you get the significant message of my last post? It had a depth to it that amazed even me. I was either speaking in an unknown tongue; or, so heavily sedated I couldn't hit the right keys. Want to know the truth? - - Yes, I was sedated but the big problem was that I couldn't make Theresa's laptop work. And after three tries and still failing, I gave up. I quit.

The hip replacement surgery went well. Four hours after surgery, they had me up and walking around. WEdnesday brought out the ol fire in the belly competitveness activity. I wanted to go home on Thursday, so worked my rehab exercise more than what I should have and paid for it Thursday.

Molly was kind to drive us home SAturday. Been so groggy with the medication that can't stay alert long enough to put together some spritual nuggets.

Wanting to spend more time with our chilldren and grandkids. So we're shopping for an inexpensive RV. Anyone know of one that could have Burwicks name on it?

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