Saturday, March 27, 2010

Post-op 2

Some have inquired about my post hip replacement surgery. So, the fog is clearing (no narcs for 24 hours), and I have great reason for which to rejoice. Off walker last week. Off cane this week. Still function better with a walking stick when standing around, cuz of the tendency to lose balance (a Parkinsons’ gift.)

Visitors, NNU students David and Jule.

Even the back pain is gone. Must have been associatred with the hip. The only pain now is from the incision and unless I’m lying on that left side it is quite bearable. Dr. Mark Meier of Boise did the sawing and cutting. A very good man!
"Get along, ol' man" encourages the hospital PT guy, Tom. First steps just hours afer surgery.

“Burwick, what did this whole procedure do to/for you? "

1. Reminded me of ths significance of relationships. So many people were encouraging and helpful. Beginning with my pastor, Kent Conrad, who was there in the wee hours of pre-op for a comforting presence and prayer followed later by a check-up call.To the “taxi drivers” Afton Campbell and Molly Beech, to the flowers, the cards, the calls, the food and prayers of many. The St. Als nurses who put up with me like my missing the urinal bottle cuq I forgot to remove the cap before usage. What a mess!!!

Theresa and I are humbly grateful. And speaking of Theresa, no one could have served me any more promptly and faithfully as “T.” What a God – given gift she is to me. Relationships – so key!

2.. So much we (I) take for granted. The ability to walk. Personal “waste management procdures”. To lie in bed without bedsores. To come and go as pleased. And so much more.

3. God’s love and grace covered my narc/muddled brain that wasn’t conducive to a “devotional” time with Him. “Thank you, Abba Pappa, for your grace, your mercy and unconditonal love, no matter my behavior”

PIctured with me is Dr. Mark Meier, for whom I am very grateful

More in the next post.

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