Some final thoughts on building positive self esteem man’s way. Again, there is value in some of the thoughts projected by “secular” professionals who are not into the spiritual dimension of man. For example:
1. Listen to the critical inner voice and refute it. Challenge the negative messages that tear down positive self esteem. As a stutterer I sometimes feel like a blemished product, having to prove my worth. Rebuttal sounds something like, I can’t speak fluently like most folk but that doesn’t negate my character and the strengths God has given me. Refuting the critical inner voice.
2. Take care of yourself. Some would call it self-nuturing though that sounds kind of narcisistic. Practice Basic Self-Care – regular exercise, get enough sleep, eat in a healthy fashion, practice good hygiene, and so forth. Plan fun and relaxing/recreational activities for yourself. Gain a realistic performance picture of yourself and don’t be too hard on ourself if you’re not living up to your expectations. Either change your goals or exercise the discipline necessary to reach the performance standards you have set for yourself.
3. Establish healthy relationships. A close positive friend who is encouraging, caring and will never get in your way unless it is to prevent you from going down is an invaluable asset. A rare jewel to be honored and cherished. This friend will let you vent without trying to fix it. Will encourage you to greater success in whatever you are doing. Will be there for you when you bottom out. Will help you pick up the pieces and grow on.
Sometimes low self-esteem can feel so painful or difficult to overcome that the professional help of a therapist or counselor is needed.
What secular therapists leave out is the spiritual component. That is what we’ll hit next in our study. Just a little to whet your appetite: “For God bought you with a high price . . .” (1 Corinthians 7:20). Our self-esteem needs to be based on the honor God gives us (Psalms 8:3-5). We are a priceless treasure, the object of His infinite love (Romans 8:38-39). God has been made rich because we who are Christ’s have been given to Him (Ephesians 1:18b LB). God’s exchange rate for our imperfect lives makes our self-worth incalculable (John 3:16)!
Have a great weekend!
1 comment:
Good advice brother Ray. I like your efforts to acknowledge the usefulness of secular advice while pointing to its ultimate inadequacy.
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