Wednesday, October 1, 2008

God speaks through visions

God spoke to Abraham and Sarah through a vision, telling them they would give birth to a child in their old age.
A vision from God confronted Peter with his racial prejudice.
Isaiah’s vision of God’s majesty propelled him into a vocational attitude of , “Here am I, send me.”

I’ve experienced only one vision of which I am aware. I was coaching with Fred Crowell a basketball team called Athletes in Action, sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ. As we played major universities around the country, we’d stay in people’s homes. It seemed that Fred and I were often placed in homes that sought our personal counsel. We enjoyed listening to people’s challenges and walking through the Bible with them, giving them God’s perspective. We jokingly said, “When we retire from coaching,, we’ll start a counseling center.”
My family and I moved from the basketball team to take a staff position in Spokane, Washington. Though directing the ministry at a local university, counseling seemed to play a significant role in my contacts with students.

While there we were given a free trip to Hawaii. Lying on the beach one day, soaking up rays, the clearest picture came to me. I was sitting in a counseling office, with the words coming to me plainly, “Start a counseling center in Spokane.” And that was the beginning of Northwest Counseling Services and later Northwest Basketball Camps that now serve over 11,000 campers each summer. God not only spoke through visions in Bible times, but does now. It was exciting being a recipient of a vision from the Lord and becoming actively involved with it.
Care must be taken in listening to God through visions, because it could be a hallucination! GOd does and has spoken through visions.

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