Friday, October 17, 2008

Self Discipline and addiction - 7

To demonstrate a spirit of self discipline in our area, let me share with you an article in the Idaho Press Tribune, 10-13-08, written by Bruce Mason.
“Barak Watson rolls out of bed early, throws on the gear, slips on the socks, ties those shoes and it’s time to start running. Ten miles. Twelve miles. Arms pumping, legs churning. Fifteen miles. Shoes thumping, lungs heaving. Seventeen miles. Chest burning, body screaming ‘uncle.’ Eighteen miles. Now he’s done running.

“Welcome to regimen of the No.1 Class 4A cross country runner in Idaho, who runs as many as 20 miles in one day, 75-80 miles in one week, and enough miles in one month to challenge an automotive vehicle.

And get this, his legs aren’t his best asset. His heart is. Humility. Empathy. Compassion. It’s all instilled inside this homeschooled senior kid whose character is as phenomenal as his first-place finishes.”

His coach labels Barak as one with a Christian heart… a never-quit attitude. Fighting to the end. Grinding with every last ounce of energy.. Pushing. Pushing. The article goes on to give more of his training regimen and prospects for the future.
Watson says, “I’ll ask the Lord if he’ll finish me all the way through.” His coach believes he’ll be able to run with anyone in the country.

The self discipline word that leaps out at me here is the word, “focus.” We’ll be looking at ways to build self discipline later and “focus” will be one aspect.
Go all the way, Barak.

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