Monday, March 12, 2007

Coach Dungy: Post Super Bowl

Weeks have passed since Super Bowl XLI. The hoopla has died down and game commercials are no longer new. Not many people are talking about it any more.
Indianapolis Colts head coach Tony Dungy knew that would happen, as with any big event. He was experiencing the loss of the “glow” of winning the Super Bowl – the best football team in the world. Coach Dungy was a veteran of more significant losses – suicide of a son, being fired by the Tampa Bay Bucs in 2002. How has he processed loss?

In a previous blog post, we saw how Dungy handled the loss of his son. “My faith in God got me through.” Let’s learn a little of the spiritual journey of one of the most recognized sports figure in America.

During his second year as a player in the NFL, a fellow Pittsburgh Steelers teammate asked if Jesus was the number one priority in Dungy’s life. “I thought Christianity was going to church, a Sunday thing,” says Dungy, who had accepted Christ as his Savior but put Him in the background of his life. As he and his teammate talked, Dungy realized there was more to Christianity than an assurance of eternity and decided to make his relationship with God his number one priority.

God is in the driver’s seat and [became] the head coach of my life,” says Dungy. That same year, the Steelers won Super Bowl XIII in 1979. But the win isn’t his favorite memory of that year. “If we’d won the Super Bowl but I’d not made the decision to put Jesus Christ in the driver’s seat, these last 28 years [of my life] would have been totally different.”

“Winning the Super Bowl was an awesome thing but not many people would have remembered who won 28 years ago if I hadn’t reminded you,” said Dungy, as he closed his remarks at an Athletes in Action speaking event. He then led the crowd in a prayer, giving people the opportunity to respond to his invitation of making Jesus one’s first priority. One hundred thirty people prayed in response to that invitation.
It is obvious Dungy enjoys winning football games, but he has found a greater purpose for life, the greatest gain – impacting people Godward.

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