Sunday, April 8, 2007



A fine line
spider-thread thin
links sorrow and celebration
darkness and light
loss and gain

Look over the shoulder of sadness
joy lurks in the wings
waiting to make its entrance

Tip weakness on its head
strength spills out
taking me by surprise

Peer into the darkness of a tomb
light blazes forth
banishing the shadows

Every farewell heralds an arrival
every ending a new beginning
every crisis an opportunity
for new growth, deeper roots

Dead leaves falling in autumn
make mulch for winter's bleakness
and shade from summer's heat

So help me
God of paradox and mystery
to embrace struggle and suffering
to wait patiently for their transforming
to search the shadows that settle round my heart
and find reflected there the radiance of your face

Major Barbara Sampson, Salvation Army, New Zealand

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