Monday, August 4, 2008

Does God Really Listen 2

“God, would you heal me of Parkinson’s Disease (PD)? It is both so debilitating and humiliating. Are you listening to me?” This prayer began the initial probing of a host of Scriptures that basically promise, “Ask and you will receive…You have not because you ask not.”

Will I be healed of PD because I have asked of God? I’m not aware of any sin blocking that prayer. Will God listen and grant my request?

You may or may not have PD, but everyone faces some challenges during their lifetime. It may be another disease, or relationship turbulence, or the heartache of a loved one who has gone astray. Diverse are the troublesome situations that make us wonder if we are just stuck in circumstances (manure happens), or are we living beneath our privileges as portrayed in the Bible? Is there a higher plane, not trouble free but more God-power packed?

Blind eyes made to see. Crippled throw away crutches. Even dead raised to life. These are not just ancient Jerusalem News Tribune reports. Such phenomena is currently reported by the editors of Campus Crusade for Christ’s Jesus Film publicity. Are miracles just for “Third World” countries exposed to the Jesus Film? Are Jesus’ words, “Ask anything in my name and the Father will do it for you,” a carte blanche promise to all who are believers in and followers of Jesus Christ? Is God really listening? Are we living beneath our privileges?

A smidgen of angst exudes as I recall many past experiences of asking-believing-receiving – not. It didn’t happen. So, obviously there was something wrong with me. Self blame. Guilt. Guilt would turn into frustration. Frustration to cynicism. “God, don’t you really care? Why don’t you keep your word? Or, is it me? Where am I at fault? Am I asking wrong? Why pray?” Not a pleasant experience.
Explore this with me tomorrow.

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