Saturday, January 26, 2008

Like Mother, Like son

Dominick and proud papa

I don't usually write on Saturdays but a phone call with my daughter Gretchen yesterday prompts me to share an exciting story.

When Gretchen was in elementary school, she earned money by cleaning up the dog pen. We called it scooping poop. We had talked of tithes and offerings - 10% for tithe and some more for offering. She said, "Dad, I want to give 50 %." To which this "fear of poverty dad" said, "Gretchen, you don't have to give that much." Her reply affirmed her 50% decision.

Gretchen's son, Dominick, is now scooping poop of three bassets in their back yard. As of this week he had earned $4. His teacher, who he dearly loves, is going on her first missions trip to Thailand (raising her own support.) Dominick told his mother that he wanted to give the $4 to his teacher for her missions trip. To which, Gretchen replied, "DOminick, you don't have to give that much. Keep some for your own spending." His reply affirmed his decision.

Result? One teacher and one mother crying together out of joy and gratitude for a young man learning the art of giving. And one proud papa who now much go shopping for a new shirt that has no buttons! I just lost all the buttons off my current shirt with a swollen chest.

Yea, Dominick.

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